How To Use: Public Forum


Staff member
Reaction score
Before you create a new post here in our community...

  • Please be sure to use our search function before you post.
  • Search for your topic of interest first:
    - Cars
    - Fast planes
    - Configurations for apache2
  • If no results are presented, or the conversations are not along the lines of the nature of your intended post, then please feel more than welcome to create your post.

In some situations, while creating your topic title, auto-complete suggestions may appear. This is the system alerting you to other topics active on the board, of very close nature in title and due to this, the suggested posts may include content very close to that of your own post content.

When you see title suggestions while creating a new post, please take a minute to review these posts before you post, when/if at all possible.

Keeping the above information in mind while creating a new post on our community boards will not only allow for better indexing of conversations that are happening on the website, doing so will help increase the content or discussion happening within the same post rather than having 10 posts with little to none/no conversation happening in each.

So please be sure to use search before you post a new thread, and also read any read me threads stickied in specific forum categories, as these practices will make you a better contributor to our community and help you best understand each section's purpose or its intended use.

Thank you!