Dayz Servers and "Tick Rate" Settings


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Does DayZ Have a Tick Setting?

DayZ does not have a specific tick rate setting like some other games (e.g., Counter-Strike or Minecraft).
However, it does have an underlying system of server frame rate and simulation cycles that control how often the server processes & updates the game state. These updates include such things as player actions, AI behavior, physics, and other events taking place around the server.

These processes & updates also calculate factors not only based on general instance data but they also include player proximity to one another. Every aspect to/of what is taking place inside your server is being weighed for balances and checks, they're not always perfect, summed up to a single name for all these things in a DayZ server environment we call these FPS.

So while there is not any official "settickrate" option for the dayz configuration of your server, there are certainly a number of variables you can include, modify, or adjust within your DayZServer.cfg file or ServerDZ.cfg or whatever you're calling your dayzserver configuration file. So in short there is hope to adjust and improve your server and performance based on additional settings, read on!!

When discussing the server frame rate...

Server Frame Rate (Server FPS)

The server frame rate (also called server FPS) refers to how many times per second the server processes the game world and updates the state of various elements (like player positions, object interactions, etc.). Just like a video game client has a frame rate that controls how smooth the graphics look, the server’s frame rate determines how frequently it calculates and sends updates about the game state to players. We have previously provided some content related to Tick Rates and FPS that you may enjoy reading, although there may seem to be some redundancy to these posts the reality is that not all games are made alike and not all servers are configured the same, as well not all configurations will impact a server the same, various factors will impact the outcome, especially where a variation in hardware(s) is/are involved.

... when discussing simulation cycles in DayZ...

Simulation Cycles

Simulation cycles refer to the server's internal process of calculating the state of the game world, including player actions, AI behavior, physics, and interactions, and how often it performs these calculations.

... we are referring to how the server processes & updates the game world in discrete intervals.

This aspect to the server/system underpins how often changes to the game state are calculated, this includes various aspects such as player movements, AI actions, physics, and other interactions, and then all of these bits of data are then synchronized with the connected clients (players). There's more to this specific group of processes or tasks, but we will try to just stick to the discussion of TICK RATES in dayz, which there are no known settings specific to this but instead (as mentioned thus far) a collective of additional settings that make up seemingly the same thing as a tick rate...

Here’s a more detailed breakdown:

Key Concepts RELATED to Server "Ticks" in DayZ:

  • Server FPS (Frames Per Second):
    The server FPS in DayZ represents how many times per second the server updates the game state. This can be seen as analogous to a "tick rate" in other games. A higher server FPS means the server is processing game logic more frequently, resulting in smoother gameplay and more immediate responses to player actions. The server FPS can be influenced by various factors such as hardware, player count, and configuration settings (like `simulatedPlayersBatch`).
  • Simulation Cycles:
    DayZ servers operate on a simulation cycle where player actions, AI behavior, and other game elements are processed in batches. This is closely tied to settings like `simulatedPlayersBatch`, which determines how many players' actions are processed per simulation cycle.
  • Tick Rate:
    While DayZ doesn’t explicitly use the term "tick rate," the server FPS and simulation updates function similarly to a tick rate. It determines how frequently the server updates player positions, object states, and interactions in the game world. In practical terms, DayZ server FPS operates in a way that can be seen as the server's "tick rate," but it isn't a setting you directly modify.

Relevant DayZ Server Settings Affecting Server Updates:

  • `-config` and `-doLogs`: These parameters are often used to manage logging and performance monitoring, which can help server administrators track server FPS and performance over time.
  • Server FPS Warning (e.g., `serverFpsWarning = 15;`): This setting can trigger warnings if the server FPS drops below a certain threshold, indicating that the server is struggling to keep up with the simulation cycles.
  • Max Threads and CPU Cores (Job System Settings): These settings control how many CPU cores or threads the server will use for tasks like AI, replication, and physics, affecting how efficiently the server handles updates.

Does DayZ Have an Adjustable Tick Rate?

No, DayZ does not have a specific "tick rate" setting that you can adjust directly like some other games do. However, the server FPS and various server-side settings indirectly control how often the server processes and updates the game.​

- Increasing server FPS and ensuring the server has adequate resources (CPU, RAM, network bandwidth) will lead to smoother gameplay, akin to increasing the tick rate in other games.

Monitoring Server Performance:

You can monitor the server FPS using tools or logs to see how efficiently the server is processing game logic. If server FPS drops too low, it can result in delays or lag, similar to what happens when a tick rate is too low in other games.

In summary, while DayZ doesn't have a dedicated tick rate setting, the server FPS and how often simulation cycles occur play a similar role. To maintain high performance, focus on optimizing server FPS and simulation settings, as these are the closest equivalent to controlling tick rate in DayZ.