A Deeper Dive Into The Isle Configuration Variables

The Isle Game.ini Configuration Settings Guide​

In this guide, you'll find descriptions of important settings in the `Game.ini` file for **The Isle** server, along with their impact and typical values.

1. General Server Session Settings​

MaxPlayers=50                    # Maximum number of players allowed on the server.
ServerName="My Isle Server"       # The server name as it appears in the server browser.
ServerPassword=""                 # Password for the server (if any).
ServerAdminPassword="adminpass"   # Administrator password for server commands.
- **MaxPlayers**: Controls the number of players allowed on the server. Default: 50.
- **ServerName**: The server name shown in the server browser.
- **ServerPassword**: Set this to create a private server.
- **ServerAdminPassword**: Password for admin commands.

2. Game Mode Settings​

GameDifficulty=1                  # Difficulty level (0 = Easy, 1 = Medium, 2 = Hard).
GameTimeMultiplier=1.0            # Time passage speed multiplier (1.0 = real-time).
DayNightCycleSpeed=1.0            # Speed of day-night transitions.
- **GameDifficulty**: Difficulty settings (0 = Easy, 1 = Medium, 2 = Hard). Default: 1 (Medium).
- **GameTimeMultiplier**: Adjusts the in-game time speed. Default: 1.0.
- **DayNightCycleSpeed**: Controls the speed of day-night cycles. Default: 1.0.

3. Player Settings​

bAllowThirdPerson=True            # Allow third-person view.
bEnablePvP=True                   # Enable player-versus-player combat.
- **bAllowThirdPerson**: Enables third-person view. Default: True.
- **bEnablePvP**: Controls whether PvP is enabled. Default: True.

4. Dinosaur AI Settings​

bEnableAI=True                    # Enable or disable AI dinosaurs.
AIDifficulty=2                    # AI difficulty (1 = Easy, 2 = Medium, 3 = Hard).
AIPopulationDensity=0.5           # AI population density (0.1 to 1.0).
- **bEnableAI**: Enables AI dinosaur spawning. Default: True.
- **AIDifficulty**: Sets AI difficulty. Default: 2 (Medium).
- **AIPopulationDensity**: Controls the density of AI dinosaurs. Default: 0.5.

5. Network and Tick Rate Settings​

MaxTickRate=30                    # Maximum tick rate of the server (measured in Hz).
- **MaxTickRate**: The server’s tick rate, affecting performance. Default: 30.

NetServerMaxTickRate=30           # Network tick rate.
- **NetServerMaxTickRate**: Frequency of data sent/received. Default: 30.

6. Map and Game Mode Settings​

MapCycle=(Maps=("TheIsleMap"))    # Specify the map(s) to be used.
- **MapCycle**: Determines which map(s) are loaded. Default: "TheIsleMap".

7. Weather System Settings​

bDynamicWeather=True              # Enable dynamic weather.
RainChance=0.3                    # Probability of rain (0.0 = no rain, 1.0 = always rain).
DayLength=60                      # Length of in-game day in minutes.
NightLength=30                    # Length of in-game night in minutes.
- **bDynamicWeather**: Enables dynamic weather. Default: True.
- **RainChance**: Probability of rain. Default: 0.3 (30%).
- **DayLength**: Length of the day in minutes. Default: 60.
- **NightLength**: Length of the night in minutes. Default: 30.

8. Logging Settings​

EnableLogging=True                # Enable logging for server monitoring.
LogLevel=Info                     # Log level (Info, Warning, Error).
- **EnableLogging**: Enables server activity logging. Default: True.
- **LogLevel**: Level of detail in logs (Info, Warning, Error). Default: Info.

9. Growth Settings (Survival Mode)​

GrowthRate=1.0                    # Character growth rate (1.0 = normal rate).
- **GrowthRate**: Controls how fast characters grow. Default: 1.0.

Impact of Adjusting These Settings​

- **Performance**: Increasing player count, AI density, or tick rate will increase resource usage.
- **Gameplay**: Adjusting difficulty, growth rate, and weather can affect player experience.
- **Network**: Higher tick rates can reduce latency but increase network and CPU load.