About CfgEventSpawn Tool

Content on this page will be about our CfgEventSpawn Tool

About DayZ cfgeventspawn.xml

The cfgeventspawn.xml file allows DayZ Server Adminitrators to configure a number of variables related to specific in-game events. An "entry" "occurance" or (appropriately referred to) an "event" properly configured within the cfgeventspawn.xml file will look somewhat like the example code we provide below...

<event name="StaticHeliCrash">
    <zone smin="0" smax="0" dmin="1" dmax="3" r="25" />
    <pos x="6525.239258" z="11113.520508" y="14.859823" a="-1" /> <!-- Lovers Leap -->
    <pos x="8163.043945" z="9292.778320" a="-1" />   <!-- Damn Island -->
    <pos x="11000.543945" z="11685.043945" a="-1" /> <!-- Dishsoap Tower -->
    <pos x="10672.596680" z="10458.707031" a="-1" /> <!-- North of Containment Outpost -->
    <pos x="10691.975586" z="9438.877930" a="-1" />  <!-- West of Containment Outpost -->

  • A specific event, it's conditions, and the locations where the event should happen, are all defined within the <event></event> tags...
  • Each event must have it's own unique name, in this example event above, the event name is StaticHeliCrash, and as you can see this is reflected in the <event name="StaticHeliCrash"> which is the open tag, and all additional conditions regarding this eventspawn are contained within this open tag and the closing tag </event>


All additional specifics pertaining to the event with regards to the number of zombies, the loot, the type of vehicle, the specific convoy, these variabales are all configured in another file within your mpmissions/dayzOffline.mapname folder.

We go over these things in another post for which we will add a link at the end of this article.

  • The next portion of the example event is referred to as the <zone> tag which is simply closed by the /> The variables within this tag control whether the spawn happens at the location static or dynamic, as well as how many of these are permitted to happen
  • The parameters within the <zone> tags include:

    • smin and smax: The minimum number of static events that occur
    • Static means that "it" will happen on the server regardless of player presence. it is almost always best to leave these min/max set to 0
    • dmin and dmax: Number of dynamic events that depend on player presence.
    • Dynamic means that "it" will ONLY happen with player presence. min/max settings in this situation should be based on location availablity per event
    • r: Radius within which the event can take place.
  • Event conditions are defined in this portion of the code <zone smin="0" smax="0" dmin="1" dmax="3" r="25" />
  • The event conditions in the example above will result in the following
  • Multiple events can be configured with different conditions, but each additional event must have a unique name such as <event name="StaticHeliCrashTWO">
  • Assigning additional variables or factors which effect each event and all it's included locations.

Simply put, the file is used to configure things like Helicrashes, you can configure a heli crash as and then add it's locations, you can then configure another event for a second helicrash event to happen across various locations, we will call it helicrashtwo which will look like this in the configuration file Eventspawns, like many things in life, are a bit tricky until you get a better understanding of how they work. as well as other configurable variables within the event tags, this is how a endless variety of in-game occurrences (best referred to as "events") begin to shape the environment of the world in game.

Events can be Static events, or Dynamic events, these variables can be seen referred to across all configuration files as "smin="" / smax="" or dmin="" / dmax="" will be explained and defined below as we proceed.

HeliCrash Events

One of the key events that can be configured is the HeliCrash event. This event involves a helicopter crash at specific locations in the game world.

Event Configuration

The <event name="StaticHeliCrash"> block in the cfgeventspawn.xml file specifies the configuration for HeliCrash events.

Each <pos> tag inside the <event name="StaticHeliCrash"> block defines a potential crash site. These locations are specified using coordinates (x, y, z) to pinpoint spots on the map.

Optional attributes like y (absolute height) and a (absolute direction/facing) can be included for precise placement or orientation of the helicrash event.

Event Conditions

Additional conditions for the HeliCrash event are specified using <zone> tags within the <event name="StaticHeliCrash"> block.

Example Configuration

<event name="StaticHeliCrash">
    <zone smin="0" smax="0" dmin="1" dmax="3" r="25" />
    <pos x="6525.239258" z="11113.520508" y="14.859823" a="-1" /> <!-- Lovers Leap -->
    <pos x="8163.043945" z="9292.778320" a="-1" />   <!-- Damn Island -->
    <pos x="11000.543945" z="11685.043945" a="-1" /> <!-- Dishsoap Tower -->
    <pos x="10672.596680" z="10458.707031" a="-1" /> <!-- North of Containment Outpost -->
    <pos x="10691.975586" z="9438.877930" a="-1" />  <!-- West of Containment Outpost -->

Adjusting the values within these configurations and conditions in the cfgeventspawn.xml file allows administrators to manage the occurrence and distribution of HeliCrash events in the DayZ game world.

As a DayZ server administrator, managing in-game events and spawn locations is crucial for maintaining an engaging gameplay environment. To streamline this process, an admin tool has been developed to simplify the conversion of in-game locations into the cfgeventspawn.xml file configuration.

How the Tool Works

The tool is designed to process captured in-game locations obtained using the VPP admin tools. When a player or object location is captured in-game (typically done by enabling VPP admin tools and pressing "p" to copy the location -at the ingame crosshair- to the clipboard), a list can be compiled into a notepad, and then put into the tool input, at that time the the tool interprets this data and formats it for easy integration into the cfgeventspawn.xml file.

Using the Tool

Admins can simply input the captured location data into the tool. It automatically recognizes the specific format of the location data and organizes it into the required format for the cfgeventspawn.xml file.

The tool extracts coordinates (x, y, z) and allows admins to specify additional attributes like y for absolute height or a for absolute direction, which are sometimes necessary for precise event placement within the game world.

Sample Usage

For instance, by pasting in location data captured for HeliCrash events, the tool organizes it into a structured format:

<event name="StaticHeliCrash">
    <zone smin="0" smax="0" dmin="1" dmax="3" r="25" />
    <pos x="6525.239258" z="11113.520508" y="14.859823" a="-1" /> <!-- Lovers Leap -->
    <pos x="8163.043945" z="9292.778320" a="-1" />   <!-- Damn Island -->
    <pos x="11000.543945" z="11685.043945" a="-1" /> <!-- Dishsoap Tower -->

Once the formatted data is generated, admins can seamlessly copy and integrate it into the cfgeventspawn.xml file, specifying event configurations and conditions for various in-game occurrences.

Simplifying Administration

By providing a user-friendly interface and automating the conversion process, this tool significantly reduces the complexity involved in configuring event spawns and locations, empowering admins to create a more immersive and dynamic gameplay experience for DayZ players.

  • Published
    Dec 4, 2023
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